Longitude / Latitude = 51.532427N 3.444927W
CQ Zone 14 ITU Zone 27
WAB Square: SS98
QRA Locator = IO81GM
Welcome to my Amateur Radio web site.
Here is a little information about myself.
Amateur Radio has been part of my life since I was about 10 years old when I found that I could hear radio amateurs using SSB on 40m on my sisters Grundig Transistor Radio – and, using a home-built BFO (Beat Frequency Oscillator) I could hear what they were saying! I then discovered that by de-tuning a MW ‘Transistor Radio’ I could hear the antics of a number of local radio hams on 160m AM (just above Medium Wave). ….I was hooked!!
In my secondary school days I smuggled a personal Transistor Radio into classes and listened to local amateurs chatting away to each other.. I decided there and then that I too wanted to be like them – whatever it took!!
I can honestly say I have never looked back. I may not have been particularly academic at school but self studied for the City & Guilds Radio Amateurs Examination (RAE ) which has been one of the most valuable qualifications I ever obtained ….. Throughout my career it has acted as a passport to jobs and opportunities far beyond my wildest dreams.
There have been times where my Amateur Radio activity has lapsed…. but in the words of the character ‘Terence Mann’ from the renown film ‘Field of Dreams’
“The one constant through all the years has been baseball”
In my case:
“The one constant through all the years has been Amateur Radio”…..
Please enjoy my web site!!!